Day 1: Just A Card Indie Week

Day 1: Just A Card Indie Week

Janet Davis

Ten Facts About Me

  1. My name is Janet Davis. Not Janice, Janis, nor Janette. It is the name that I was born with, and I quite like it. Thanks mom & dad! I really don't like it when people get my name wrong. I'm a big baby about it, actually, even when I'm terrible at remembering names of other people!  
  2. I was born at Brookfield Hospital, which is about a 10 minute walk from my house & studio. Although I have lived elsewhere for schooling and such, I really have not strayed far from my ancestral home of Pinchard's Island, just a wee boat ride away.
  3. I don't have a favourite colour. I love them all.
  4. I can play a few chords on the guitar and ukulele, but I do not have the guts to try performing. I keep those skills for alone time!
  5. My highest level of education is from the Nova Scotia College of Art & Design in the form of a Bachelor of Fine Arts (interdisciplinary), but I feel that I learned far more in the Textile Studies program which now runs out of the Anna Templeton Centre in St. John's. Perhaps that was because I was a newbie to the world of art, but many of the skills I use on a day to day basis are ones that I learned there.
  6. I am very happily married to the best man. Duke Kelloway has been my biggest critic, guide, and supporter in my artistic career. He's my best friend, and I love our life together here in our hometown.
  7. I am a mother. I have a grown-up son. He's not an artist like me, but I think his ability to think creatively along with his interest in science and mechanics is a winning combination that will make great things happen in his life.  
  8. I am a textile artist, painter, and printmaker. My first love was textiles, my second and main squeeze is printmaking, but painting is what I have in my head the most right now. I've been painting oodles of images of smudge herring, and I am almost ready to start my next series of painting projects.  
  9. My ancestors came from Britain. William Henry Frederick Davis apparently came over from Portsea in the 1700s and settled on Pinchard's Island. There were a ton of people looking to change their way of life at a time when the class system held people down and being poor could mean starvation. I often think about what a challenge it had to be to live here without good heating and protection from the driving winds, but they were obviously a determined group of people who wanted better for their children. And look at what an amazing safe and beautiful place I live now because of their foresight!
  10. I own Norton's Cove Studio Inc. as 100% shareholder; It was incorporated in 2002.  I am also a director of a related company: Norton's Cove Marine Inc.  Both of my jobs are very related to making a living from the sea.  One is inspired by the ocean, and the other is rooted in the ships that sail upon it.  


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