Planning 2024

Planning 2024

Janet Davis

Every January, I take the whole month to take care of the corporation paperwork and analyse all the figures for the past year.  I rewrite my business plan with all the projections (guesswork at best!) and goals for the new year.  

This year feels different.  2023 was such a dissappointment business-wise, it really has been a wake-up call.  To prove the level of stubborn I am, it took me 21 years to come to the conclusion that my business model will not work in my location. 

But, at least I'm seeing reality for what it is.  I need to get on with it, and not waste the second half of my life trying to do something that just isn't going to work.  Life is out there, waiting for me.

So, my 2024 plan is this:

  • Apply for artist residencies & exhibition opportunities
  • Create more art
  • I will no longer tie myself down to retail shop hours.  I will be in the studio when I need to be.  But when the weather is great for sailing, I'll be sailing.  
  • Continue to grow Norton's Cove Marine- our other family business which I just love.  Boats boats and more boats.  With travel thrown in for extra fun.
  • I will attend artist conferences, gallery openings, and other artsy events that I haven't made the time for since I was in university.  
  • I will attend markets to sell my artwork that I don't normally participate in.
  • And I will attempt to grow my online shop.  I really enjoy that too.
  • Teach more art classes and workshops.  I miss having students in the studio!
  • Discontinue offering new products in the shop outside of our own creations.
  • I am an Artist.  So I'm going to act like one.  Hopefully without the starving part.

I expect this to be a hard year.  Growth is hard.  I've already received two letters telling me that I have not been selected for an award that I was nominated for, and for a printmaking exhibition in BC.  But maybe, just maybe, next January, I'll be writing about what wonderful experiences are happening.  To quote George Michael, "you've gotta have faith".  I don't really know what he was talking about, but I'll take it as faith in myself, and that things will work out well if I do the right things.

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