Norton's Cove News

Anniversary Sale!

Anniversary Sale!

Celebrating 22 years in business today!

Anniversary Sale!

Celebrating 22 years in business today!

Snow Crab linocut image printed on cream paper using watercolour paints and an etching press.  Framed in metallic finish.

Snow Crab

Everyone's talking about crab...

Snow Crab

Everyone's talking about crab...

Canada Summer Jobs Funding

Canada Summer Jobs Funding

Hiring a Salesperson for the summer!

Canada Summer Jobs Funding

Hiring a Salesperson for the summer!

Dried Caplin painted on 9  8x10" panels.  Silvery fish on a dark blue/black background.  Acrylic paint on canvas.  Janet Davis 2014.

Dried Caplin

Throw back to 2014

Dried Caplin

Throw back to 2014

Sea Urchin

Sea Urchin

Product of the week!

Sea Urchin

Product of the week!

Blue Ink

Blue Ink

Are you feeling blue?

Blue Ink

Are you feeling blue?